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Thursday, February 10, 2011


we continue with our discourse on the business personality of the Zero person. this has been our discourse in the last 3 posts.
You can always read previous posts from our archives. All contributions are welcomed. happy reading.        
Ayo Emakhiomhe.

Our talk today will be on the MYOPIC business outlook of the zero personality
A zero lives life as if it would end by end of day today. That is, if you ask a zero to plan 5years, 10years, or worse still, 20 years down the line, it’s a journey in futility.
A zero’s business plan is at most short term; a week, a day, a month, a few months tops. But the true successful business person can tell you where his/her business will be in the next five years time all things being equal or alternative plans in case things do not go according to plan, all in a bid to achieve success in five years or ten years time or more.

we continue by next post.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


By Emakhiomhe Ayo 

    Zero risk appetite.

If you tell a zero personality that there is a risk involved in any action, that zero would not be involved in such an action.
But what guarantee do we have that when we sleep at night or when we doze off during the day we will wake up again, it is a risk we take to sleep as basic as it is, therefore it is by faith that we sleep to wake up, therefore we should act by such faith especially if we have good and reliable information on such action.
A zero would not only on its own take no risks, it would not encourage all those around it to take any risk in any form and could even go to the extent of creating an environment of fear and lack of initiative.

We should always remember the business rule that says the more the risk, the more the returns. We should learn to take calculated risks.
A child takes a risk by trying to walk/crawl but without taking that risk, the child will not grow.
When I say risk here I mean calculated/informed risk. I am not saying that you should take a risk and go rob a bank or jump off a cliff. What I am saying is if you have a million dollar business plan in your hand for example, your bank comes across it, studies it and decides that its good enough to put their money in it, you say no because bank credit is too risky, but you have no job or means of livelihood, you say “I will survive, I will not have a bank watch my business”.
 This project might have been packaged in such a way that the bank takes all the risk and you lose nothing but your time if you go into it and gain experience if it crashes, but, with the risk factor of your bank financing, you totally back out until someone else comes along with same idea and is financed by same bank and starts flowing with money that would have been yours and you get pained.

............more by next post. your comments/contributions are welcomed.

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