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Friday, October 21, 2011


By Ayo Emakhiomhe

A Zero is/can be passionate about issues, activities and life generally. This can drive the Zero to a breaking point where it will need a way out. We all face this at sometime in our life; past, present or future.
People will look for various ways out of such dilemmas, they can go into negative/self destructive acts like alcohol, drugs, sex, porn, etc. some would get addicted to eating non-stop, some it’s their lipstick or make up, for some it is lack of appetite for food, it can be sleeping disorders, it can just be anything. If this is temporary, all good, but when it starts veering into addiction, then such a person is now a Zero and will remain so until such a negative addictive habit is broken.

I ask you today, what behavior do you see yourself getting addicted to? Is it negative/self destructive? Please desist today, if it means going to rehab, please do and don’t remain a zero.

please read a book today.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


By Ayo Emakhiomhe
The intrinsic value of a human is not in the clothes he/she has on or how much money he/she has to spend. This is because we have some dogs that wear clothes that is far more expensive than the monthly salary of a lot of people, but that does not stop them from being and remaining dogs. Some people have so much money to spend that it makes them miserable and they end up being killed by this.
The true value of a human is in their talents, aura, their vision/mission, their personality, the value system of that person.
When we begin to judge people by the outward effects like the price tags of what they are wearing, the kind of car they drive, or by their last names, we are veering towards becoming Zeros.
Having a good car, or coming from a family that has names that opens doors is perfect, but, that does not define a man properly.
In some organisations, talking only to the CEO is a study in frustration in getting your job done. Some people would say that “kissing A—will only get you shit on” and the only people that get shit on are Zeros.
Centuries ago, women lived without jewelry and were still considered beautiful. A princess will remain a princess even if she had no money, gold or palace.
Stop looking at people by the price tags on their clothes, cars, houses or the titles around their names, start looking at people by the value they have; the true value; that is their personality, their personal value system, their integrity, their intelligence, their heart, etc. when you start doing this, you start moving from ‘Zeroism’ to Multiplicity.
Be a multiplier today.

read a book today

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


by Ayo Emakhiomhe
So far, we have discussed two social traits of the Zero personality- Pride and Attention seeking. Today we will be discussing a third social trait of the Zero personality-PESSIMISM/MYOPIC ATTITUDE.
More often than not, a zero never sees the good in anything, it can only see the danger in any activity or the pitfalls and not the possible rewards; never expect to get encouragement or support from a zero to venture into almost anything at anytime. But note that due to this trait, zeros are expert critics and analysts, they are perfectionists extraordinaire.
A zero is so pessimistic that often it cannot even see any good in itself. Due to this, it would go to the extreme to prove to itself that it has a form of self worth, or just simply get perpetually distressed. Note this day that there is not 1 person on this earth who is not valuable, we were all made to fulfill a great divine purpose. Yes, like I said ALL of us, which includes you reading this blog post. Your simple task is to find it like a pot of gold because that’s what you get the day you find it.
We are all destined for greatness irrespective of our family background, race, colour, tribe, sex, age, financial status or education.
Pessimism is like cancer that has to be cured before it helps us remain Zeros for life.
In conclusion, if this trait is in you do something about it today, choose to be a better you; be a multiplier. (More about multipliers will come in subsequent posts.)
Be true to yourself, live life by the moment, as if it is your last, live on purpose and touch a soul positively.

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