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Monday, July 23, 2012


By Ayo Emakhiomhe


The tools stated here are not all conclusive, it is actually using what works best for you. They are those things you need to apply to achieve effective and efficient time management and become the time lord!
It starts with zero based thinking-ZBB; ZBB states ‘knowing what I know now and if I had to do it all over again, would I get into it again?’
Next thing you need to do before using any of the tools is effective planning and being deliberate. It also involves the willingness to pay the price – sacrifice.
Having done all the above, you can now employ the following primary and secondary time management tools;
The primary tools are the main tools you need to manage and plan your time effectively; the primary tools are those that you use to support the primary tools

                PRIMARY TOOLS

v  Goal maps: This involves 7 questions;
1.   What do you what to achieve?
2.   Order: which goals take priority?
3.   Draw: communicate your goal to your subconscious
4.   Why; identify your emotional drivers
5.   When; define your timeline
6.   How; what are the actions you will need to take?
7.   Who; choose the people or organisations that can support you.

v  Pros and cons: This is used mainly for deciding between 2 options. This is especially when the 2 options benefit your goal equally.
For example choosing between getting a promotion and learning French for your trip to France for holidays

v  Time style: Effective time management is a matter of style- working with your strong personalities and delegating the rest.
It is based on the principle that there is no right way to manage your time except your way.
‘T’ are good decision makers and can whip up a task list in no time.
2. ‘I’ are great enthusiasts and can get any show on the road
3. ‘M’ has tireless patience and are excellent team players
‘E’ are meticulous and will always finish the job on time and within budget.
Understand your own time style so you can conduct yourself accordingly; enlist help in areas of personal weaknesses

Know your time style and work with it today.

Priority quadrant

It involves prioritizing your activities and deciding:
1.   Which activity directly affects your goal/objective
2.   Which activity indirectly affects your goal/objective
3.   Which activity does not in any way affect your goal/objective
You focus on, spend more time and energy on activities in 1 and 2 above and completely eliminate activities in 3 above.


v  Use organizers (digital and manual)
v  Set daily priority lists/”TO DO lists”
v  Delegation/’other peoples time’
v  Saying ‘NO’, learn to use the power of the word ‘NO’. say no to time wasters, say no to quadrant 4 activities, say no to those activities/requests that do not contribute to your goals.
v  Use your diary
v  Use your computers, ‘Tablets’, IPODS
v  Use your mobile phones, IPHONES
v  Use the web

Are you ready to be the time lord? Have I been able to help you double your effectiveness?
Remember, the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step and failure is not denial, just an opportunity to learn and be better.
Practice! Practice! Practice! And you will be the time lord.


Paper based on inspirations from the works of Simon Phillips and Brian Tracy.

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