Rev. Sam Adeyemi once said that the mistake a lot of us make in life is that we set our priorities on the wrong things.
An example is setting goals in life, we set goals to be rich and base that on having money, but true wealth is not by how much money you have in your pocket or your bank account, it is the amount of lives you have affected (and influenced) positively.
Doing a little mathematics, a number multiplied by zero (0) is equal to zero (x *0 = 0). Therefore, a zero can only reduce the value of anything in contact with it.
A number multiplied to the power of one (1) or multiplied by one is itself (x*1 = x, & x^1 = x). Therefore, we can conclude that the numeral one (1) does not add value.
A number multiplied by two or any other higher numeral, never remains itself, but becomes a much greater value than it was at the beginning.
Leadership is about influence, and to lead successfully, you have to first lead yourself well otherwise; you are just taking a stroll. No matter your position in the office or in society, we are leaders, but the issue is what circle of influence have you created and in this circle, what would you rate yourself; a zero, a one or a multiplier.
That is, anyone that comes in contact with a person that is a zero would only fall to a zero whether the person is a 1 or a multiplier.
In other words, if you are a shiny star on your way to the top of the galaxy, when you come across a zero individual, and allow such a person to influence your attitude, character or mindset, your star will die or fade. And if you are a 1 heading anywhere, look behind you; have you touched any life in your journey so far?
Also, if you are a multiplier, raising leaders and followers around you, beware of the zeros; and you can still be a better multiplier.
No matter how we rate ourselves, one thing is sure, we can be better. This blog is for everyone, even if you feel you are a multiplier, a one or a zero. This is because in various spheres of our lives we have elements of 1, 0 or multipliers. So use this blog to find out where in your life you have shortcomings and let us help you to improve on it.
To guide us, I have divided each numeral personality into three broad areas we can call traits;
- Business traits
- Social traits, and
- Spiritual traits.
More by next post.
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