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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


A true leader is defined by his character, habits and mindset. A company can never grow bigger than the person at the helm of affairs; the leader.
The company is an embodiment of the character, habits and mindset of the leader. This  is one of the reasons for the popular definition of leadership: influence; leadership is about influence.
Examples of leadership and influence abound all around us. A very recent one is the icon of golf – Mr. Tiger Woods, his character that seemed so stainless has left him in the woods, his glorious life seems to be in the dark now even after how far he has come.

A child’s value system and being is affected by the environment the child is exposed to, this environment is usually made up of the kind of people that exist in it.
Basically, we are all affected by our environment and the people we relate with influence us in some way to a certain degree.
This blog seeks to find how you first influence yourself, then how you influence all those that come across you in your daily activities.
If you are interested in being a better leader, or having a better character, this blog is for you. If you are interested in bringing out the best in people or simply trying to be a better team leader or the CEO of your organization, this blog is for you.
This blog is not for you alone, it is for all your team mates, partners, staff, friends and colleagues. If you all lead better, the organization and the world in general will be better for it.
welcome aboard.

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