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Friday, June 6, 2014




Good Day!

Today I will be sharing with you how the power of music can change your productivity! Music is not only the food of Love, it is also the food of work...Let's play it on. 

Bellow are 3 ways to provoke your productivity through "beautifully  organized" sounds (music)

1. Listen to your favorite sounds: When you listen to the music you love, there is a part of the brain that triggers the release of the "Pleasure Chemical" called DOPAMINE. Dapamine

helps to create excitement that is needed to double productivity at work!  

Tough tasks are easily accomplished and boring jobs are finished on time when this chemical is released; making productivity a walk over! Let the music play!
Dopamine function

2. Select different beats and tempos: Your energy is key to your productivity, therefore when you are choosing music check out their tempo/speed and find the appropriate one that suits your energy level. 
In the morning cool music could drive you on, in the afternoon when your energy is going down. You need high tempo music to keep your company! 
Researches have shown that high tempo music increases productivity at work! Let the music play!

3. Use Music without words/instrumentals: Many who oppose the idea of music at work say music can be a major distraction! 

When you listen to instrumentals, your mind follows the beat while your energy level is increasing. 
For strong focus, music with little variety and no lyrics are the best! 

Please note, anytime you want to absorb any new information, PRESS PAUSE, assimilate and continue the flow! 
Remember, you passion must not be a distraction! Let the music play!

As you go out this week, find the right music that can provoke your energy and double your productivity! Explore a new experience!

Have a productive day!

Thank You,

Remi Dairo
(Your Life & Productivity Coach)

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